Dealing with objections when you first contact a prospect can be a real challenge. A video case study can be a great way to open the door. One of your existing customers explaining what worked for them has far more credibility than any claim you make yourself. George Harvey-Robson of Telecom IP explains how a […]
Don’t send the questions before doing the interview
Video Strategist Martin Chambers prefers not to send the questions over before the interview, why? Because he wants people to be and seem candid on the camera. Rehearsed answers will not feel authentic and are much less convincing. So should you go into an interview unprepared? No, but the skill of the interviewer isn’t preparing […]
Saving the Rugby Lions from financial ruin
The Rugby Lions are one of the oldest rugby clubs in the world, but its history meant little as it came perilously close to going out of business. Its saviour came in the unlikely form of Telecom Infrastructure Partners which helped put the club on a sounder financial footing. Case Study Crew created a video […]