We are case study experts
We will help you close more deals -
faster and with maximum ROI
Case Study Crew
Your one stop for B2B case studies that convert
From in-depth films to short summaries, we'll help you meet your prospects with the right case study at the right time
Hiring Case Study Crew means no more hassle with interviews, storyboarding, awkward filming sessions and managing revisions.
We believe in humanising a brand and showing that it’s real power comes from the people behinfd it.
We’re a small team of experienced marketers, copywriters, film producers and editors.
Case Study Crew
Meet the crew at Case Study Crew
There's no substitute for experience and if that, and learning from past mistakes count for anything, then we're the right team for your customer success story.

Martin Chambers
Video Strategist

Martin Chambers
Video Strategist
- Phone:+44 7837 773 682
- Email:martin@casestudycrew.co.uk

Phil Noakes
DOP | Camera | Lighting Operator

Phil Noakes
DOP | Camera | Lighting Operator
- Phone:+44 7837 773682
- Email:sales@casestudycrew.co.uk

Leo Townsend
Copywriting Strategist

Leo Townsend
Copywriting Strategist
- Phone:07575 648 358
- Email:leo@casestudycrew.com
Get started
Scale your customer success story today
On a no-commitment first call, we’ll talk through your goals, answer any questions and discuss strategy and an outline budget and timescales.