Don’t send the questions before doing the interview

Video Strategist Martin Chambers prefers not to send the questions over before the interview, why? Because he wants people to be and seem candid on the camera. Rehearsed answers will not feel authentic and are much less convincing.
So should you go into an interview unprepared? No, but the skill of the interviewer isn’t preparing five great questions. It’s about listening and following up on the things that are important. The thing to avoid is trying to fit the interviewee into our preconceptions. If we let them actually speak and express themselves it is far more interesting.
Of course, we know some interviewees like structure and the chance to prepare. So sending over some general discussion topics we are likely to cover can help set the relationship on the right track. As an interviewer there is always a balance between having an agenda and being more spontaneous. And we have to recognise what will work best for the different types of people we interview.